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code insert alt image title tag automatically in blogger


Alternative information is a piece of text that describes the content of an image that you upload. In case, for some reason the image does not show up, the text will show the user what the image is about. In addition, this tag will help Google bots understand the image content and based on that, return search results as your image when users search.

The importance of alt tags.
code insert alt image title tag automatically in blogger

Of course, adding alt tags is very important in image SEO. It will be a huge omission if you do not add this tag to the image you upload.

- First: for users to add this card is a way to improve the experience for users. When the image you upload cannot show users will feel uncomfortable because it is impossible to know what the image refers to. So when adding a user alt tag even if you don't see the image, you can still know what the image is about, minimizing user discomfort.

- Second: Google's bot cannot understand what your image says if you don't add alt tags. Google will rely on this tag content to compare it with the user's search. If the image content that the user finds matches the alt tag content in your photo, your image will show up in the user's search results.

code insert alt image title tag automatically in blogger. 

First, find the code below to see if you have it, if not, then add it.
  <script src='//'/>
"Click to view the original image with better quality"

Then insert the code below into place like the image then press save.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div id='imgus' style='display:none;'><data:blog.pageName/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function(){$(".post-body img").each(function(){var t=$(this),e=document.getElementById("imgus").innerHTML;t.attr("title",e),t.attr("alt",e)})});
"Click to view the original image with better quality"
Good luck! 
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