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DNS is a domain name resolution system that was invented in 1984 for the Internet, only one system that allows setting up correspondence be...


CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets, which is a language used to find and reformat elements created by markup languages ​​(such as...


CMS is an acronym for Content Management System, or a content management system that aims to make it easy to manage and edit content.  Th...

How to delete all web data saved on iPhone

You often go to the web to watch movies, watch videos or  watch football online  will save a lot of data that takes up the device's mem...


The term CDN may come across a lot of articles, or when you need an experienced person to advise on how to save server bandwidth and spee...


Bootstrap Framework is a CSS, HTML and JavaScript library developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton in Twitter published in 2011, this ...


Affiliate is a marketing program where you can get commissions from a parent company by selling them.  The parent company will provide yo...

