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Build a reputation through social media


Build a reputation through social media - Building a long-term, solid reputation with your goals has become one of the core elements of an online business. With people increasingly relying on their own research to make purchasing decisions, it's important to keep up. This is why good management of your online reputation is an integral part of managing your business well. Creating an authentic online presence to represent you in the digital world is how you build public relations and establish yourself as a competent person. Doing so will increase customer trust.

As you know, online reviews have the most powerful impact on people's decisions. As survey statistics have shown, 90% of people are positively affected by positive reviews of a specific product or service and eventually buy it. While 85% is negatively affected by negative reviews and avoids buying. Therefore, it is obvious that for your business to survive, you will have to build a solid online reputation for the business to continue growing.

There are lots of places to do that, but social media is the most important. It's where people get involved the most when they spend time online, so it should also be a prime target for your reputation-building efforts. Here are our top tips on how you can build yourself a truly strong online reputation through the use of social media platforms.

Create solid strategies

Developing a strong and comprehensive social media strategy has a few different variables. You have to know who your audience is, what you can offer them and how. Therefore, you will have to use the right platform and the right content, to keep the right people involved and reach as much as possible. Here are the most important things you need to do:

Put your focus in the right direction - It is important that you have a clear definition of your niche and the people you are trying to reach. You should focus most of your social media activity in that direction and deliver content that your audience is interested in.

When you know which group of people you want to focus on, based on their demographics, interests and behaviors, you will have to choose the right platform. For example, if you're targeting men, then Facebook is the best way, if it's a woman, choose Pinterest. If both, use Instagram and Facebook…. Just know which platform your audience is most likely to use.

Be honest with yourself - Social media is not a marketing platform. It is a place to engage with the people you care about. If you're looking to post cool trade and sales streams, it's hard to get your audience's attention. Instead, use your own voice and talk to them in the same way you met them on the street. Share what happens behind the scenes of the business, making it personal. Join them in conversations they may be related to.

Strive to deliver meaningful content - The content you create must make sense for your strategy to succeed. It has to be useful or at least fun, to get everyone's attention. Create guides, share tips and anything else that can be helpful. The more useful content you can provide to your audience, the more they will engage. Usefulness is what turns your content into a point of connection between you and your audience.

See more: Plugin to build an e-commerce website with WordPress

Chat and connect

Social media is all about connecting and creating conversations with people. It allows us to exchange ideas, build relationships, and post any unique content we can to share the best in our lives. Here are a few steps to follow when creating content to post to social media.

Start writing a website - Writing a website is a way for you to become a thought leader in your industry. It allows you to share essential, useful information with your customers and attract more traffic to your website. It is also the perfect way to delve deeper into who you are, what you do and what you have to offer.

Websites are also great because they are extremely easy to get started and need frequent updates. You just need to push out high quality content.

As you write your new post, find a way to spark a discussion and let people share their own experiences. Always ask for their feedback and let them know if they like what you share or if they want more.

When you have a post on your website, post it on appropriate social media channels and let people read it. If you can keep a steady stream of quality, then your website will become the best tool to build a solid reputation.

Be responsive and accessible - Social media is a place for people to form a personal connection with your brand. This is why they want to choose to contact you via chat and let you answer their questions. So give them the answers they need and start acknowledging their opinions. Do not ignore their opinions, but rather engage with them.

Always engage with others - A lot of your social media presence is not about you. It's more about recognizing the work of others and being connected with influential people. The quality of your connection is more important than the quantity, because that will give you an authentic online reputation.

Do everything for your audience - You don't create content for your own excitement or interest. You are doing that for your audience. So make sure to post content that they can connect with and care about.

Talking about your success - Talking about your success is definitely an interesting thing for your fans. It is also a great way to clearly express your personal values. Ask your audience to share their story as well and give some feedback on you.

Share News related to events in your industry or Niche - For many people, social media is the place they come to stay up to date with recent events. Therefore, you can become an access to news about what's happening in your industry.

Planning when something goes wrong

No one is famous for being perfect. Sometimes people mess and they have a large audience to let them know about it. That's just how things happen when your brand doesn't meet the expectations of its audience. When this happens, follow up on any negative reviews and comments you receive on various social media platforms and see how you can protect yourself or correct your mistakes. .

Of course, you know that customers are not always right, even though they are the ones who have to be satisfied. They do not see the full picture and you are not responsible for making them see. You just need to make sure you are not overreacting. Instead, try having an honest conversation and see what you can solve through a discussion. The fact that you are collecting opinions from people will begin to solve the problem. You should also share the steps you will take to resolve the issue.

You do not need to try to control the situation. It's scary to let your published name and content control your reputation. But without doing that, it's hard to build a reputation. That is your only way to build a reputation. So you have to be willing to give up control so people share your content and say whatever they want about it. Don't worry about any negative behaviors around your business or brand, because there's always a way to deal with it.


There is really no way to do business online without establishing a solid reputation talking about your credibility. You must invest in building your resume regularly as a thought leader and influencer. Once you start building your reputation, you have to work hard and let your content do the job. When people realize you are a thought leader and your business is a good investment, you will have a steady stream of customers.

We hope this article has helped you learn something new today and we'll see you soon in the upcoming section!

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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