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install WordPress Multisite on local server.

How to install WordPress Multisite on the server - A multisite WordPress can be the answer to managing multiple WordPress websites easily. When you install WordPress multiple pages on your server, you will not need to copy administrative tasks on the backend of some individual websites. All websites can be managed from a single dashboard.


What exactly is WordPress multisite? A multipage is a network of two or more websites that work in a WordPress installation. All sites on a multi-page setup will use the same WP database, WP directory, and WP configuration file. In such a setting, WordPress installation management is in the hands of a "Network Administrator" and the administration of individual websites on the network is assigned to "brands Site Admins".

How to install WordPress Multisite on local server

To get started, make sure you have administrator rights to access the computer's file system.


This is a required step. To track and install WordPress multiple pages on your local computer, you first need to have a standard WordPress installation running.

To install WordPress on multiple local sites and create a network of any number of websites on your own computer, follow these steps:

Before you begin:

Choose a URL: Now it's time to decide to install additional sites in subdirectories or under subdomains. It is important to realize that this cannot be changed after it is completed.

  • A subdomain URL for individual websites:,

  • A subdirectory URL for individual websites:,
On live servers, you can install both under subdomains or subdirectories. Installing the subdomain on the local server is a bit more technical. It involves configuring the XAMPP application to create a subdomain and then register it in the operating system's software files. In this post, we will only handle subfolder settings on the local server.

Enable multi-page feature

  1. Add multi-page features:

First, open your wp-config.php file and find the line:

/ * That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. * / ‘, Add this code:

define (‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);

Then save and close the file.

See more: How to create a multilingual WordPress website

  1. Set up your network:
At this point, you should see a new entry in your WordPress dashboard. Specifically, go to Tools> Network Setup. Then, choose the subdomain or subdirectory.

If you are using the subdomain network on the live server, you will need to get something called wild card DNS from your hosting provider. Because we only perform sub-directory installation on the local server, you don't need any permissions. Fill in the details and then click install.

A few lines of code will be generated and you need to add them to the wp-config.php file and in your .htaccess file.

After inserting the code, save the file. With this, WordPress Multisite has been successfully installed.

To access your Network Admin Console, you will have to log back in from the beginning.

  1. Add sites to your network:
At this point, you can start creating websites and adding them to your network by clicking through My Sites> Network Admin> Sites> Add New:

Fill in details for individual websites, such as Address, Title and email. Then click on Add Site.

In the same way, you can add as many websites as you want. You will see all the sites in your Network in All Sites

  1. Add themes and plugins:
For many websites, Webmasters can install themes and plugins on multiple sites. These themes and plugins can be activated throughout the network or selected on a site-by-site basis.

When to use / install WordPress Multisite?

In general, multisite works well for a group of websites that fall into a hierarchical framework.

It is also suitable for a group of related websites that share common resources. For example, a network of parallel or allied blogs.

To better understand this, check out the Harvard Blog, a free service for the benefit of the Harvard community. Anyone who has an email at can create a blog on this WordPress installation. Bloggers can simply focus on creating and managing content for their blog, while enjoying the popular resources provided by multisite - themes, widgets, multimedia documents, anti-spam. and much more ...

In short, WordPress multisite helps you manage all your blogs from a single dashboard. You will need to install themes, plugins, and updates only once and then activate them as required. Not only that, you will also save time and server capacity. And, if you are willing to handle the techniques, you can even make money online by offering to host other websites on your network.


When is WordPress Multisite no longer a solution?

Although multisite offers great convenience, it also has some disadvantages. Personal websites are limited in theme selection, plugins, and hosting services. Moreover, not all plugins are compatible with many pages and this may limit your choice somewhat.

And, if any one website has a traffic problem, it can affect the speed of other websites in the network.

It should also be noted that splitting a website from the network or moving the entire multi-page setup in the future may sometimes need professional help from experts. And therefore, you need to consider carefully when doing.

See more: Create a free Website

Multi-page WordPress installation: Conclusion section

You can use multi-page as a test site for any changes to your WordPress settings or to check the compatibility of any new themes or plugins. You can also work on any local project, before you push it onto a live server.

However, if it is only easier to manage the many WordPress websites you need, you can also consider managed hosting services. These service providers undertake complete management of WordPress, including services like updates, backups, security, and more. One of the better options in this area is a company called Flywheel. They are one of the top recommended servers and the plan starts at $ 15 / month.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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