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Google's top 50 ranking factors


Google's top 50 ranking factors - In this article, we will introduce you to the top 50 ranking factors on Google here. Please note that this changes over time as Google and Bing keep their algorithms updated. The list below does not rank in any order and is just a regular list because of the most important ranking factor:

  1. The era of domain names

Older, established domains tend to rank faster than new domain names.

  1. The period of time you registered the domain name
Google said businesses often pay in advance to register legal domain names for many years. Illegal field rarely used after 1 year. Therefore, Google uses the domain expiration date to determine the legality of the domain name.

  1. Domain

The top-level domain name (TLD) that you set is very important. Choose .edu, .com, .net, ... if you want to reach a global audience. In case of website specific by region or country, choose TLD like .eu, .uk and .aus. This TLD will help you increase local search results.

  1. Stop time
Your goal is that when a visitor comes to the site, the content will answer all the needs they want, encouraging the next action from them to stay with you. If your content doesn't encourage them to stay with you, they will leave. Search engines will understand this by looking at stopping time. In other words, downtime is the time spent on your site until the visitor returns to SERP’s.

Time stopped with bounce rate and time on page:

Amount of time spent on any user clicking on search results in Google or Bing, then returning to SERP.

% of visitors re-enable after the first page. For example, if you visit a page on a website from a link or a search result and don't see any more on that website (subsite, shopmenu, etc.), then you will exit. The lower the bounce rate, the better, giving you a better signal to Google, because users visit more than 1 page.

Any amount of time on the website, before visiting any other page or returning to SERP's, is almost the same as a dwell time, the difference being just the time on the page, can also lead to other site visits. on the website and don't come back.

  1. Subdomain

Subdomains with main keywords have a high chance of success on search engines. Use your target keyword in your URL if you are creating a separate action in your website or microsite.

  1. Domain matches exactly
Matching domains or EMDs are those that match the search query. They are different from domain names, such as, with the search term it hopes to rank for. The company uses EMD as a shortcut to higher rankings. Google has recently updated their algorithms and low quality websites are no longer ranked. EMD will still bring you an advantage if you have a high quality website.

  1. Keywords in title tags

Your side page title is the first thing Google looks at when ranking your website. Your keyword must be in the first part of the title tag.

  1. Title tags begin with keywords
Title tags that start with keywords often outperform those with the keyword at the end.

  1. Keyword is the first word in domain
Domain names starting with the target keyword have an advantage over other websites.

  1. Keywords in Subdomain
According to experts at, if your side keyword appears in the subdomain, it improves rankings.

11. Keywords in Meta Description


Putting keywords in your Meta description, as in the title tag, is an important step to follow. Having untargeted Meta descriptions will affect your clickthrough rate. Clickthrough rate affects your rankings. Google does not use keywords in Meta descriptions as the main ranking factor. Make sure you include keyword variations in your Meta description.

  1. Keywords in H1 Tags
The H1 tag is a description of the content of your page. That is another relevant factor. You should enter your keywords in the unique H1 tag on the page.

  1. Keywords in Tags H2 and H3
Your side tag displayed as subheading in H2 or H3 layout will be a signal for Google to rank. John Mueller from Google said that these HTML title tags help us understand page structure.

  1. Keywords in the Copy page
Stuffing your page with the keyword used is guaranteed to boost it. When you use the keywords in the Copy page, it will still send appropriate indicators on the content.

  1. Keywords in Anchor Text

Anchor text is still a significant ranking signal. The # 1 ranked website has an average of 5.42 percent Anchor Text on their side including their target keyword.

  1. Keywords from competitors
One of the best tactics in the SEO world is to look at your competitors to find inspiration. You can use software like Rank Tracker. This new research method shows keywords from competitors on your side. Rank Tracker also has a keyword research module to help you come up with your own ideas.

  1. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
LSI keywords help search engines identify words with multiple definitions. The example is Banana Republic. The LSI keyword will help Google determine if you are talking about a clothing company.

  1. LSI Keywords in Title and Description Tag
Meta tags with LSI keywords also help Google decipher the word with many meanings. It will also signal relevance.

  1. Quality content

Content is still the SEO world king: we're sure you know about that. Google will detect and reward quality content, providing valuable, useful information to visitors.

  1. Content length
The optimal number of words for an article varies by topic and there are no rules about it. However, we observe that longer content tends to achieve higher rankings. Neil Patel shows the relationship between top search positions from Google and content length.

See more: How to create a website with Wix

  1. related content
When we search for shoes, for example, we see results like Zappos, and 6 PM. When we changed the query to heels, we now see several websites specializing in women's shoes. And when we move again to party heels, now we see that some websites selling party shoes rise to the # 1 position. The more you focus on a specific topic website, the better it will rank. more for that topic.

  1. Content access

For time-sensitive searches, the Google Caffe Caffeine update encourages content you've recently published or updated. Search engines display the last updated date from the individual page, this section emphasizes the weighting of this factor.

  1. Importance from content updates
The degree of change and editing on your side also helps refresh your content. For example, adding entire segments makes more sense than correcting spelling.

  1. Update history page
The frequency with which you update your site also plays a part in its novelty.

  1. Mobile friendly

Google’s Mobile- Geddon, update your favorite mobile sites. Google’s Mobile-First Index promotes websites that mobile users can easily navigate.

  1. Content is hidden on mobile devices
Google cannot index hidden content on mobile devices against the content displayed.

27. Duplicate content

Identical content on the same website affects visibility from search engines.

  1. Rel = Canonical

The correct use of this tag will prevent Google from penalizing your website for duplicate content.

  1. Table of contents
Using a table of contents can help Google better understand the content of your page.

  1. Page title length
Top ranking websites usually have short page titles, usually eight words.

  1. The quality of business information is verified
Local package, voice search, Knowledge Graph, and Google Maps drive traffic. This traffic depends on the accuracy of the information you provide with Google. Location data and WikiData are essential.

  1. Download speed

Your download speed is not a problem in your rankings if your website takes about 2-3 seconds to load. You will lose most of your visitors' attention if your side load time is longer than 6 seconds.

  1. User signal
A 2017 study from SEMRush looked at various user signals, including bounce rates. Bounce rate relates to when the user visits the landing page without further browsing. Bounce rates for the top three positions in the SERPs are low but will be higher when you go down. This progression occurs because top ranking websites have increased website speed. They also have more relevant content, higher user trust, ...

  1. User experience
User experience is an important ranking signal. It overlaps with several other signs, and it's hard to identify. Search function, compatibility with different devices and 404 errors are indicators of usability.

  1. Useful additional content
Useful additional content that shows quality from the page. For example: images, infographics or even videos.

  1. Clickthrough rate
Clickthrough rate (TLB) is the ratio between clicks and impressions in search results. The following factors affect TLB:

  • URL relevance, title and description for the query

  • Brand identity
  1. URL length

Keeping the URL short is best. Longer URLs will hurt website search engine rankings.

  1. URL path
Pages near the home page will rank higher. This will involve the URL length, because this page usually has a shorter URL name than the subpage.

  1. URL accessibility
Bots from Google easily access and crawl your side. Google can access the URL and view the page content to begin to understand the page content. To help the bot understand, you'll need a sitemap, which lists your entire site. You will also need a robots.txt file to tell Google where you can and cannot search your website information.

  1. The URL has underscores compared to dashes
Google sees words separated by underscores as if they are joined. On the other hand, search engines consider hyphens as separators. Matt Cutts from Google explains in this video.

  1. Website visit

SEMRush research shows the relationship between page rank and website visits. If the page has a lot of hits, it is an indication of authority from it.

  1. Backlinks
Backlinks are still the most reliable ranking signal in Google algorithm. Improved rankings for your top keywords with links to highly authoritative domains. Update website filtered from Google Penguin Penguin 4.0 with low quality backlink configuration. Therefore, online marketers should pay attention to the current backlink profile beside them.

  1. Related and varied links
You want your side links to come from topic pages like the one you are optimizing. There is a connection between the concept of diversity and relevance. Your side backlinks should relate to your side page topic. You should note that if there are too many anchor text on your side, Google can penalize.

  1. Brand awareness
Alteration of algorithms Google supports for rebranding. Moz recommends that 17 percent of your anchor text should be the brand name. Avoid link building to increase your organic rankings. Instead, creating links will improve your brand and online relevance with you.

  1. Website security (HTTPS)

HTTPS is not a big ranking factor, but it helps you gain conversions and it builds trust.

  1. Fresh information
New information always attracts search queries more than old, outdated sources of information. So, Google also considers this a ranking factor.

  1. Queries worthy of freshness (QDF)
Former Google Director Amit Signal has been talking about QDF since 2007. QDF revolves around determining whether a topic is "hot" or not. “It ranks newer content in the SERPs. It also shows many news integrations in the SERPs.

  1. Social signal
Social signals are basically all signals, engagement and traffic from social media (facebook, instagram, google plus, twitter, pinterest, etc.). Participation from visitors is likes, shares, comments, ... on posts, videos, photos, ....

See more: Create a free sales website

  1. Optimize images

Pay attention to alternative text, filenames, titles, descriptions and captions for your side image. These elements will send essential relevancy signals to search engines. Make sure all of these are unique and correct in terms of naming. For example, if you include a fish image in your website's post, make sure to name it Blue Fish or Small Fish instead of something randomly generated by wordpress like 238ghskje, or the something totally irrelevant.

  1. Grammar and spelling
Google has given a message about whether grammar and spelling makes sense. And that is the indicator of quality.
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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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