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How to increase website traffic

You now have a great , complete website and you love it. It has an excellent domain name , an impressive interface and full, engaging content. But over time, you find that the traffic is not so much, still paving the way for a few people despite your constant content publishing. Sad, right? Don't worry, in this article we will show you 15 simple steps to increase traffic to your website.

Types of traffic

First, you need to know the concept of traffic types first, so you have enough panoramic view when you step in to increase real website traffic.
What is website traffic? It is the traffic to your website.
There are 2 main types of traffic you need to know - oragnic and paid traffic.

What is organic traffic?

The term "organic traffic" refers to visitors who come to your website through search engines like Google and Bing . The reason it is called organic traffic, because website visitors visit your site in the usual way is to search for them on their own, and find you on the search page, and actively click on the link of the website. your website.

What is paid traffic?

On the other hand, visitors who are considered paid traffic access are those counted from advertisements (there are dozens of the most popular types of advertising tools are Google Adwords and Facebook Ads ), advertising links, and Other paid methods.
Statistics show that 51 percent of website traffic is organic . This number has made many website owners race to optimize the SEO of the website to the maximum. Simply because it is free but brings the highest profit.
But organic traffic is a long term investment. It takes time for your website to rank high on the first page of search. You may only see results after a few months, especially longer if your niche market has many competitors.
If you want instant results, pay attention to paid traffic. You can set it up in minutes and increase the equivalent traffic on the first day.
Hundreds of advertisers support many different audience options. You can choose who can see ads based on location, age, gender and other factors.
As it can achieve instant results, be prepared to pay a lot of money for paid advertising. Advertising costs can be ingrained into your project budget, especially in a highly competitive market.

The best way to increase website traffic

Your website does not deserve to have little access. So, take advantage of the following basic guidelines to know how to increase traffic for your website.

1. Optimize SEO

Website optimization for SEO means working to make the website more suitable for search systems and visitors.
Doing good SEO will help your website rank higher on the search results page (SERPs), so more visitors will come to your website.
The simplest first step to optimize website SEO is to research keywords for content. You need to know if the reader is searching for a certain keyword and the ratio of competitors is high.
From there, you will determine which keywords you want to use for rankings on the search page.
There are many tools to use for this purpose, the most popular being Google Keyword Planner . You can find keyword ideas or view statistics based on search history (average monthly searches, competitors, yes, yes).
Keyword planner search history
When you know which keyword (keyword) to use, the next is to optimize it into the website. The optimization process is divided into 2 sections:
  • Off-site SEO means you work outside to promote the site - such as creating links to pages, social media marketing, social bookmarking, etc.
  • On-site SEO is working on the site to optimize the website, each component and its content.
When creating content for websites, pay attention to doing on-page SEO first. Because you have full control of that web before it's complete, to properly market it out, right. Here are the factors you can do to improve on-page SEO:
  • Title tags - the title of the website, create a title containing the keyword in it. It needs to be 70 characters or less.
  • Meta descriptions - describe the website, this description will appear on the search page. So you have to write in a way that is interesting enough for viewers to click on, containing key words and easily readable content.
  • Header tags - the head tag, the content of the article will be easier to read if divided into sections, the main way to break the paragraph is to use header tags (H1 to H6).
  • Alt text for images - is used to write descriptions for images on the web. It helps the searcher scan the correct image and understand what it means. Screen reading tools also help read this description for the visually impaired.

2. Email marketing campaign

While SEO is a great way to increase the impact of your website, you need to make sure they don't just visit your website once. Interact with readers by sending newsletters to them and advertising via emails again.
Interact with old visitors to make them remember you and motivate them to revisit your website. Like regular customers of a reliable cafe, they will gradually need to read your web. This is an indispensable way to increase website traffic.
To create an email marketing campaign, you can use email marketing service providers like MailChimp and Constant Contact . You can also try their free product to get started and then upgrade to the premium package if your site grows bigger.
And absolutely do not "bombard" customers when sending too many emails. Note that please send mail weekly or every 2 weeks with a summary of the website's products.

3. Social networks

Social networking sites are also a channel to increase traffic for your website. If you use them smartly and effectively, it won't take long before your customers will flock to your site.
First, make sure your article content is easy to share. People like to share interesting articles they like on the internet with friends and family. Don't miss this opportunity and embed the sharing tool in each of your blog posts.
However, don't sit around waiting for people to share your content. You need to be proactive in reaching new readers. Every time you upload new content, share it on social networks. It does not cost much and can accelerate traffic improvement for your website.
Here are some tips you can use to advertise content on social networking sites:
  • Add visual elements - people will tend to click more on articles with visual elements such as beautiful images, videos.
  • Use hashtags - hashtags make your post easier to find for those who find the right keywords.
  • Choose a suitable site - social networks have different unique audiences. Adults often use Facebook , teenagers and 20-year-olds to use Instagram and Twitter . You can try and choose which site is best suited for your website.

4. Write the best quality content possible

Content is the heart of every website. Attractive content will keep visitors coming back to your website. And if it is, it is spread everywhere. Is that like a dream? So you've wasted time creating content, create content that is as good as possible. You will be rewarded for your hard work.
In addition, here are some methods to power your content:
  • Keyword research - your content should be built around the main keyword. Think of keywords as topics, so choose relevant keywords and get high traffic. Use Google Keyword Planner, or Semrush for further keyword research.
  • Create impressive headlines - the title is the first impression visitors see on the SERPs, so the more attractive the better.
  • Don't use long sentences and overly familiar words - most people skim to find the main content. Simplicity is clearly the key.
  • Write articles that contain information - your content should reply to a topic. Avoid writing long lines spread ambiguity.
  • Add photos and videos - a wall full of text will knock off visitors. So add visual effects by inserting photo or video elements.
When it comes to writing content, practice is the most important thing. The more you write, the better your experience and writing will be. Know how to create content that attracts readers more

5. Create a mobile friendly site

The reality is that mobile traffic accounts for 52% of web traffic , so it can't be taken lightly. And your website must be mobile friendly. If visitors have a bad mobile experience, they won't come back. You lose a lot of potential traffic.
A mobile-friendly website is a responsive website - that is, it adjusts itself to the screen size of the device.
These websites will help visitors to browse the web conveniently without having to zoom in to see the whole website. You can also use Google's mobile-friendly test to check if your website is mobile friendly.
To build a responsive website, you either need to hire a professional programmer or use a repsonsive web design template. Of course, using an existing template is cheaper and we always recommend WordPress because many of its themes are mobile friendly.
A mobile-friendly website also often ranks higher on mobile search results. So, if you have a good product, make sure it is unaffected because it doesn't display well on mobile.

6. Review obsolete content

You will definitely need to write new content to attract new people. However, do not overlook the old content. Old updated content will have the same or better effect than new content on the website.
Search engines usually scan websites that contain new content. Each time the web updates its content, it tells the search engine "scan me again!". The search engine will record, rate and reorder content based on its updates.
Better yet, pay attention to old content with high traffic. Update it and make sure you get promoted on the SERP. Always keep good quality posts error free.
Don't forget to use Google Analytics to find popular content on your web, and potential posts that can be updated.
But of course, do not update unnecessary content. Quality goes first, always remember this. Here's what to keep in mind when updating old posts:
  • Find spelling and typing errors
  • Fix broken links. Or update the new link.
  • Add images, infographics or videos.
  • Improve the accuracy of the content.

7. Create an affiliate program

affiliate hostinger program
Affiliate program is a cooperation program for website owners to pay affiliates (publishers) a sum of money because they have introduced customers to you. Affiliate often writes articles about your product, persuades readers to buy it, and places a referral link for you.
Many businesses choose this strategy because it is highly effective but also brings traffic and increases conversion rates for the website.
Before choosing an affiliate, know what your audience is. Publishers must be persuasive with the customer. If your audience is teenagers, because the content publisher for you must be happy, active and not formal. Make good choices to maximize the effectiveness of your affiliate campaign

8. Internal links

For unknown reasons, many web masters often focus on backlinks but forget about making internal links. This is a pity because it is also important, contributing to increased website traffic.
Google uses links (internal and external) to evaluate the value of a website. If there are many links pointing to the page, Google will consider it important and rank it high.
So it's clear that internal links are also important, don't forget! So every time you create new content, always put the right link into the article and check that the link is really good or not. For example, if your article is about creating an online business, add links to business ideas and business projects.
Another advantage of internal links is to keep visitors staying on the website longer. The longer a visitor stays behind, the more valuable your website will become. And they do not have to look to competitors' content

9. Use CDN to improve website speed

Google wants to give users the best browsing experience, so speed will affect rankings. So, improve the website speed as quickly as possible.
A quick way to speed up your website is to use the Content Delivery Network (CDN). It is a server group spread throughout the world.
When a person wants to access your website, the nearest esrver will respond to a static content. As a result, load time is faster because the distance between them and the server will be shorter.
Most CDN providers pay a fee, but a free one is Cloudflare . What you need to do is add the domain name to Cloudflare and update the name server. You can see the step by step guide to setup

10. Facebook Ads

Using Facebook ads is also very effective to increase website traffic. 30% of marketers believe that Facebook is a social platform with the highest ROI. ROI is the conversion rate of revenue on the investment budget.
Based on average cost, Facebook Ads proved to be cheaper than search engine. The average industry click average is only about $ 1.72 , and you can decide how much money you want to spend a day and run the ad for what time.
The key is to use Facebook Ads appropriately. You need to define your campaign specifically, it is Awareness , Consideration , or Conversion .
facebook ad to increase website traffic
  • Awareness - to reach new users and create awareness.
  • Consideration - to help users get more information on the web.
  • Conversion - to persuade users to buy a product.
Next, your job is to create a campaign that is likely to draw readers' attention. Here are some things you need to do:
  • Create an excellent description - short, interesting, and relevant.
  • An attractive visual element - one that will cause Facebook users to stop and click on your product. It could be images, infographics or videos.
  • Update ad when campaign ends - change image and fix content a bit. If you've been using ad for a month already, remember it won't work.
  • Create a landing page with specific information - you only have a few seconds to keep visitors from bouncing off of your site, so make sure the landing page is informative and valuable.

11. Create a Youtube channel

You may come across one or several videos when Google searches. Often you will see Youtube videos because 88% of the videos on the search results page are from Youtube. Therefore, this video platform is a goldmine to increase traffic for your website
One way to increase website traffic is to tell visitors to visit the website and explain the benefits they will receive. You can do this with just a sentence like, "Go over to learn how to write faster" - or put a call-to-action text on the video.
You can also add links in the description of the video. Write a call to action right there:
describe youtube video

12. Advertise on Instagram

Instagram is another popular social network in the advertising industry. It is suitable for young audiences because 71% of users are under 35 years old
Because this social network is owned by Facebook, you may find it similar to Facebook Ads. You need to select goals from 3 categories and use the object categorization tools (such as age, language, gender, country, etc.).
Summarize the above options by selecting the campaign that best suits the brand's goals. If not, you will lose money for advertising the wrong audience with no need.
We recommend you try and experiment on many types of content yourself. Because Instagram is a visual tool, you need to have a highly visual campaign. Instant high visual attraction.
You can use famous quotes, videos with short information, fun pictures, inforgraphic, yes. Explore options and make ad ready for your website.
Instagram is the best tool to increase website traffic!

13. Influencer Marketing

Social media platforms have changed to find ways to deliver the needs consumers need. Now, a lot of consumers depend on influencers to find their consumer products. Because these people are experts or famous people, the results achieved through advertising on this channel are also good if applied properly.
You will quickly increase website traffic thanks to this relatively easy campaign. Just choose an influencer to work with, contact them and ask if they will advertise your product or service.
The advantage is that this way will not cost a lot of money. Many influencers are also willing to accept gifts in exchange for posting on their pages.

14. Sponsoring Youtube Channels

Sponsoring Youtube channels is another form of influencer marketing. You pay a fee for the creator to make a vidoe in one of the following two directions:
  • Own sponsorship video . The whole video is about your product (like unboxing videos or vlogs talking about your product being the main one)
  • Mention is the type of sponsorship that the channel owner reads your brand or product at some point in the video. The product does not need to be the focus of the video but appears as an auxiliary component. Youtubers will explain why the product is useful
The cost to sponsor a video is also very different. The bigger the channel, the higher the fee. Some channels also set a price floor (per video) and many others charge by turn.
Another point to note is to select the channel based on the channel size and viewport ratio as well.

15. Increase website traffic with LinkedIn

linkedn increases website traffic
LinkedIn is a unique social network because it has a unique user base - experienced workers and experts from all over the world. Therefore, this platform is the perfect place to increase traffic for your own business website.
First, you need to create a LinkedIn account and it needs to be complete. Make sure you enter enough personal information: summary, avatar, website link, yes yes. Personalize your page so it becomes professional.
Posting business-related content on Linkedin will also increase traffic to your website. And the special thing is that the total number of visitors are those in the industry, already have certain interest in you.


Website owners of course need to increase website traffic in many ways. Many people think they need a lot of money, but there are also many free ways that work.
We have shared some free and paid methods to increase traffic for your website. Summarizing the best ways as follows:
Increase traffic for free website:
  • SEO website optimization - it will help the search engine scan website easily.
  • Share each content on social networks - your content can reach a larger audience and attract more traffic if it is shared.
  • Update old content - easy to implement but highly effective, can increase traffic immediately.
Paid method:
  • Hire affiliate marketers - expensive but pay only for results.
  • Working with influencers - they have a high audience and interact well to know their followers as your regular visitors or customers.
  • Use Facebook Ads - this is the largest social networking platform and you have a great opportunity to reach a wide range of audiences.
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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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