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How to Use Facebook Analytics


How to use Facebook Analytics 101 - This post will give you most important from Facebook Analytics and will give you brief details about how to use this tool.

Over the years, Facebook has become an extremely popular social networking channel. About 1.4 billion people use it every day, which means that 1 in 5 people in the world are on Facebook. With such a huge number of users, it will be a goldmine to market and advertise your business. But not without challenges. The challenge exists in facebook advertising campaigns and how to use facebook Analytics. Now, let's go deeper and understand how Facebook Analytics really works.

Introducing Facebook Analytics

Facebook boasts more than 2 billion monthly active users, a larger number than the Chinese population. This is equivalent to consuming base from giants like Nestle and Pepsico. For any medium sized company, the user group will be no different from the ocean. However, sadly this is not the case for everyone. Even when your business is in the popular segment, you are having a hard time finding customers while your competitors are thriving. Or you will have lots of people who register on Facebook but can't convert them into consumers. Why? The answer to this varies, but nonetheless requires tools to solve this problem. That is Facebook Analytics.

Basically, Facebook Analytics is a data processing tool related to your side page on Facebook. The tool does this data analysis and generates insights.

How to use Facebook Analytics


Setting up Facebook Analytics is the first step and is often the most difficult of the steps. To get started, you have to understand something called Business Manager. Facebook's business manager is basically a small space in a platform where you manage your entire site and ads alongside you. When you get the main idea from it, you need to follow the steps below:

  • On the Enterprise Manager page, select Analyze in the Measurement menu and Reports.

  • There is always the option to select a page or pixel, although it won't be of much use. A better way to create an Event Source group.

  • You will have to name the ESG and whether to include the application, the pixel or the page. You then select the application / page / pixel you want to include for analysis.

  • Once completed, you will be redirected to the Facebook Analytics Dashboard.

Understand basic features from Facebook Analytics

As an analytical tool, it is natural for you to assume that the features will be very rich. Because different situations have different requirements, you will require different views and parameters for more details. Here is the basic calculator you will find at Facebook Analytics:

  1. Overview:

Overview provides you with basic information about the page. It is very useful if you just want to track page progress. Especially 3 figures are provided:

  • Likes: The number of new likes your side page received last week.

  • Reach: Number of people who saw your post in the past week.

  • Interactions: The number of people who interacted with your post in any way.
Note: The default time frame for data is 7 days, although you can change it according to your needs.

2) Likes:


Page likes are similar to subscribers in the email list. These are the people who are important to your post. Therefore, many likes at a steady rate are very important. Likes gives you three important types of information:

  • The total number of likes you have in a specific time period, usually 4 weeks. It also shows you likes online, which means that new likes subtract the dislikes on your side page.

  • Demographics from people who like your side page. Visually, you will see the age group and gender from the new subscribers. You will also see the geography of these people.

  • The last view shows you the problem from new likes for the specified time period and shows daily new likes and dislikes.
Two important benefits from this feature. First, it allows you to track the progress of your page. If the new likes fall or become stagnant, it will act as a warning about a decrease in post quality or interest from users. Second, it provides insight on the people who are interested in your side page.

See more: How to create an event registration website with WordPress

3) Reach:


Reach is very important criteria for the success of any page. Usually, pages with great likes cannot have the same amount of traffic. This feature allows you to recognize this and take countermeasures. The Reach feature provides you with two views:

  • First view gives you all relevant data about your page reach. It divides the total range into 3 sub categories. Organic reach is what you usually expect: people who saw your post or page. Paid outreach is the reach you gain through paid marketing, in which Facebook shows posts to people who don't like your page. Reach is the most important, reached when people see your posts in your news feed coming from activity from people who have liked your page.

  • The second view shows you the visitors you have on your side page. Total visits is the total number of times Facebook users visit your site.
The first metric tells you the intensity of interaction from users, while the following figures tell you about the intensity of interaction from users.

4) Talking About This:


This is the most insightful and valuable value that Facebook Analytics provides. It is also known as user participation. If the likes are the total number of subscribers and the scope is the total number of viewers, the interaction is the total number of responses. In fact, any of the following would be counted as user participation:

  • Like the page

  • Comment on the article

  • Share the post

  • Posted on page

  • RSVP to events created by the page

  • Check in (if the page next to you is a page based on location like restaurant, mall, university, etc.)

  • Like, comment or share about the subscription activity

  • Refers to the page

  • Tag the page

  • Request for offers provided by the page

  • Answer questions / polls created by the page
This feature tells you how effective 1-way marketing communications are converted into two-way dialogue. You will see both the level of interaction from the user with the page and the level of viral access.

Facebook Analytics: Core feature

While the aforementioned features are the most used feature for the majority of visitors, it doesn't really take full advantage of the power of Facebook Analytics. Here are some advanced features of Facebook Analytics:

  1. Funnels:

Funnels are basically a journey from users on your side of the page. It helps you understand how many steps have been completed by specific users and what are the most common start or stop points. The more steps involved in the Funnels, the more users will engage with your site. While measuring conversions, the Funnel report is a very useful insight.

2) Retention:


The real power from the feature is real-time information. Therefore, you will be making changes in your side strategy and see how it affects customer retention without much delay.

3) Revenue:


Revenues are the ultimate goal from the business. With the Revenue feature, you will track this. Different metrics include:

  • Average revenue per customer

  • Average revenue per purchase

  • Average purchase per customer
With this feature you are also allowed to visualize revenue trends over time.

4) Custom control panel:

It would be a mistake to assume that Facebook Analytics ignores your convenience. The customer dashboard is your stop for all reports that you find relevant and important. It helps you avoid the hassle of creating it whenever needed.


Naturally, this post cannot teach you everything about Analytics. There are still many nuances and extra features that you will only know through practice. But through this tutorial, you're ready to set up and use core features from the Facebook Analytics tool.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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