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How to analyze click rage to understand customer behavior and improve UX

If you’ve ever been frustrated by an element on your website that doesn’t respond when you click on it multiple times, you need to familiarize yourself with the concept. rage click – a good thing! Understanding your website visitors’ confusion means you can empathize with them.

Inhibited because of rage click?
Inhibited because of rage click?

When visitors experience usability issues, bugs or broken elements on your website, you can use rage click as a tool to quickly identify what needs to be changed to give them a better experience. better.

I will show you how in this article:

What is Rage Click?

Rage click is when a user clicks again and again in a certain area or on a specific element of a website within a short period of time, often indicating user confusion or damaged elements.

Knowing what causes click rage can help you optimize your page to increase conversions.

Rage clicks can be detected in real-world usage tests or with behavioral analysis software such as the session video feature.

Sometimes people click more than once out of habit, but rage clicks can indicate user confusion and can be a sign of something amiss on your site – like dead links, unwanted elements. crashes, web errors, or slow loading pages – which can help you identify opportunities for UX (user experience) improvement.

Rage clicks as a sign of poor UI and UX

Sometimes clicking again and again speaks to poor UX, and sometimes not – which is why understanding what you’re looking for is so important.

As I said above, some people rage clicking out of habit as they read or scan a web page and they don’t necessarily click out of frustration or confusion. These rage clicks are known as false alarms.

But if a customer has a bad user experience – be it because of a bad design or confusing user interface – this rage click can help identify what the problem is, or allow you to dig deeper. experience on the website.

Putting this click rage into context helps you understand the bigger picture and understand what’s really happening on the website.

The easiest way to do it is to use the session video tool.

Use session video to investigate rage click

Session video (also known as screen capture video, user behavior video) and captures the actions taken by actual visitors as they navigate the website.

Analyze click rage to understand customer behavior
Analyze click rage to understand customer behavior

Logs capture behaviors such as drag, click, click, and scroll across multiple pages, giving you insight into how visitors react to and interact with elements and features on your website.

When you use click rage as a filter, you can identify times when users click again and again on an element or area of ​​your website – which will help you identify what changes to make to optimize. UX and improve customer experience.

This is the way:

Use rage clicks to improve UX (a 2 step ecommerce example)

Let’s say you see a lot of cart abandonment and a higher than usual bounce rate on the checkout page, and you need to see what happens so you can understand why people aren’t completing a purchase.

You switch to video of the session so you can see how they use your website in more detail, to see what they experience at the checkout page:

1) Filter records by URL to see only visitors to the checkout page

After some session analysis (defining goals, spending time focused on viewing and taking notes, tagging and highlighting recordings to share with your team), you need to be ready to go into as much detail as possible. good..

2) Filter the records more carefully to see only the visitors who clicked on the checkout page

When you view and analyze the records of people clicking on the checkout page, you can see what the problem is – be it a damaged element, they can’t choose a payment method or can’t access it. Order and delivery details.

After sharing your findings with the team, you are in a good position to decide how to act: fix dead links, fix broken or missing elements, other errors or problems on the website to improve the user experience.

Note: it’s a good idea to experiment with different record filters to help you identify issues that need fixing. With that said, rage clicks can help you spot problems right away – but rage clicks alone often don’t tell the whole story, and are one of the tools to help you dig deeper into the customer experience..

Combine rage click with other filters to dig deep into the customer experience

If you get thousands of records, rarely every rage click shows you every problem the user has.

Rage clicks and signals of what’s frustrating and confusing in user behavior, but to understand the full picture it’s important to focus on trends and use rage clicks as part of a larger effort to understand and improve customer experience.

Since session video gives you insight into user traffic trends and you can identify where they go wrong, you can filter the records by page (or set of pages) and add other filters like rage click.

The source: Hotjar

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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