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Status Code HTTP - Error 404 301 302 What is it?

Surely web ace encounter problems such as 404 , 301, ... These are common notices in the web.  So what is 404?  What do the 404, 301, .. cod...

Using multiple versions of PHP on the same host

Are you running multiple blogs / websites at the same time?  Does each of your blogs / websites only support a certain version of PHP?  In c...

5 best alternatives for InMotion Hosting

5 best alternatives for InMotion Hosting - InMotion is among the best products in the business. Not only do they have a fast, stable...

How to choose the best Hosting for your Wordpress

How to choose the best Hosting - You want to run the website for fun or to make money. You have a domain name and now you need the fo...

Comparison between VPS Hosting and Managed VPS Hosting

Comparison between VPS Hosting and Managed VPS Hosting - Before discussing the difference between unmanaged and managed VPS hosting ...

