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7 things to do with Google Ads before Responsive Search Ads completely replaces the old method

As mentioned about the changes of Google Ads in previous articles, Responsive Search Ads will completely replace the current way of setting up ads (Expanded Text ads) in June 2022. From now to time That point, what are the things you can do? Let’s prepare for the upcoming change with Digit Matter through the following 7 suggestions!

1. Test all possibilities of Expanded Text Ads (ETA) while still possible

Implement A/B Testing campaigns as much as possible to test different elements, CTAs, approaches to see what is the best form. Because until Responsive Search ads become the only option, it will be difficult to compare the effectiveness of headlines as currently reported.

So right now, if you had a test plan but were ‘too busy’ to implement it, it’s time to do it. One of the testing suggestions from Digit Matter is:

  • Let’s start with CTAs. Sometimes just a little change in wording can make a big difference. Such as Consult Now vs Inquiry; Register Now vs Experience Now; Contact Now vs Get a Quote… Or sometimes it’s localized words; change the persona, use ‘irrational traps’ like free, favor and other strong verbs…
  • Try different approaches: Personalize content according to customers’ main goals; concretize the benefits the object receives; Countdown offers, exploit different types of extensions
  • Avoid: Keyword stuffing, always keeping the same version without changing/testing, writing from a subjective perspective, lacking insight from the audience

2. Create Expanded Text Ads campaigns for future use

7 things to do with Google Ads before Responsive Search Ads completely replaces the old method

As of June 2022, you will not be able to create new or edit existing Expanded Text Ads campaigns. However, the good news is that you can still keep your campaigns that are delivering good results.

When it is impossible to predict the impact of new form changes, the best way is to optimize based on what is available. So, to be ready to adapt during the transition between the two, you can start by creating lots of ETA versions – testing and distilling the most effective title combinations and leaving them at your disposal. there in case you need it in the future.

This is not to say, however, to create as many ‘backups’ as possible. As mentioned above, be lean and refined. It’s pointless to prepare a set of a few hundred different ads or combinations that you won’t be using for the next year. Let’s stop at ‘right and enough’. After all, this is just a ‘transient’ solution as you gradually adapt to the ‘new realities’ in advertising. Drifting into things that are not really necessary, it is a waste of both time and resources.

3. Prepare for the ‘go down’ of ETA forms in Google ads

Converting from Expanded Text Ads to Responsive Search Ads is not simply a change in appearance but also in the algorithm behind. And change has been happening ‘slowly’. According to observations from many experts, impressions in many accounts have started to decrease gradually. As June 2022 approaches, this changing trend is likely to become increasingly apparent.

Even if you are testing and have your ‘contingencies’ ready, you still have to be really ready for the ‘smooth squeeze’ in the coming period.

4. Initialize the first Responsive Search Ads campaigns

As recommended by Google, each account should have at least 1 Responsive Search Ads campaign. This advice may be given for many different purposes, but at least it is the right suggestion for the moment.

If Responsive Search Ads is sooner or later the ‘new normal’ in Google ads, the longer you hold onto the ETA, the more miserable it becomes. This is similar to using an old iPhone when new versions are continuously released and optimized. In the short term, maybe everything is fine, at least until the software is not supported anymore.

So in parallel with backup ETA campaigns to keep Google ads campaigns returning stable results, businesses should take advantage of this ‘running momentum’ period to get used to the new form.

By the time you’re reading this, it could be up to 6 months, 3 months, or 1 month before the big overhaul in Google ads happens. And that’s not too much time to procrastinate!

5. Determine the benchmark – the common floor of Responsive Search Ads in Google Ads campaigns

Responsive Search Ads are the form that almost always have a higher CTA than an ETA. However, in terms of conversions, the results are not always good for all accounts. Having an account, a very high conversion rate, having an account hidden behind the numbers is the struggle of runners in the journey of ‘convincing customers’.

Either way, let’s start Responsive Search Ads campaigns in every adgroup, every campaign right now to determine the common floor from today, from there, it’s convenient to compare, compare and explain changes. on performance when ETA officially ‘retired’.

6. Converse with ‘pin strategy’ – pin strategy

7 things to do with Google Ads before Responsive Search Ads completely replaces the old method

With pinning, you can pin a specific title or description to minimize ‘loss of display control. Usually when running Google ads, the ads will display at least 2 titles and 1 line of description. The question is should 3 titles and 2 descriptions be pinned to turn Responsive Search Ads (RSA) into an ETA?

The answer is that you should pin for a different purpose. Any attempt to turn RSA into ETA will be pointless as this goes against the algorithm behind and Google will gradually tighten this to encourage full conversion!.

So how to use the tactic of pinning?

  • Pin the CTA to make sure every ad has a ‘call-in’. While not strictly required, it is something to consider.
  • If you have multiple versions of the same title, ‘pin’ the same spot. Accordingly, these titles only show up in the pinned location and not anywhere else. This is also the optimal way when you want to test many different CTAs with Responsive Search Ads
  • Pin all titles, or leave gaps so the Google algorithm can shuffle and test the best combinations.

In addition, you should also learn more about ad strength. Ad strength is not ad rank or quality score. Ad Strength was created only to teach you how to optimize your Responsive Search Ads form when running Google ads but has nothing to do with the ‘bidding’ process behind! Keep this in mind as you may be ‘required for an explanation’ from your superiors or clients when you run ‘transparent’.

7. Get used to the annoyance of Responsive Search Ads reporting

With the Responsive Search Ads form, the report of the Google Ads campaign will be fully displayed on the metrics you need. However, you will not be able to know which combination brings the optimal effect. This can also be one of the ‘nasty’ ones that make many people ‘nostalgic’ Expanded text ads.

7 things to do with Google Ads before Responsive Search Ads completely replaces the old method

Besides, reporting metrics like Asset performance rating are also not very useful when not directly tied to conversion. View Asset Details just helps us to take a deeper look at the impression. The Combinations tab isn’t ‘better’ either.

In the future, without new features to support, this will be a difficult and emotional time for advertisers, especially agencies. Therefore, if your business does not have a strong in-house team and depends largely on an outsourcing company, start considering a long-term cooperation plan today to prepare for changes. renew.

Make sure this happens early enough to give agencies or ad partners enough time to turn existing ETA campaigns to advantage for the big changes to come. Wait until near June 2022, it will be too late for useful experiments to take place.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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