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The truth about dreams

Currently, when people sleep, they will have dreams that can be entertaining, disturbing, or bizarre. We all have dreams even if we don't remember it the next day. But why do we dream? And what do dreams mean?

The following article will examine what makes us dream and help unravel the mysteries behind dreams.

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What is a dream?

Dreams are basically stories and images that our minds create during sleep. The dream can be vivid or it can make you feel happy, sad, or scared. And sometimes dreams can be confusing or completely logical.

Dreams can happen at any time during sleep. But most vivid dreams occur during deep sleep, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when the brain is most active. Some experts say that humans can dream at least four to six times per night.

Why do we dream?

There are many theories as to why we dream, but no one knows for sure. Some researchers say that often dreams have no purpose or meaning, but are just meaningless activities of the sleeping brain. But others argue that dreams are essential for mental, emotional, and physical health.

So now studies have shown the importance of dreams for human health and happiness. In one study, scientists woke subjects up while they were in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. They found that people without dreams often experienced the following:

  • Tension increased.

  • Worry.

  • Depression.

  • Difficulty concentrating.

  • Lack of coordination.

  • Weight gain.

  • Psychedelic tendencies.

Many experts say that dreams exist to:

  • Help solve problems in life.

  • Combine memories.

  • Emotion processing.

  • If you go to bed with a troubling thought, you may wake up with a solution, or at least feeling better about the situation you came up with.

Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are a window into the human subconscious and can be described as follows:

  • Unconscious desire.

  • Think.

  • Motivation.

Freud thought that dreams were a way for people to satisfy urges and desires that were unacceptable in society.

And when combined with all these theories, some dreams can help people's brains process thoughts and events of the day. However, for others, dreams may just be the result of normal brain activity and very little meaning. Until now, researchers are still trying to figure out exactly why people have dreams.

What does the dream mean?

Just like there are different opinions as to why we dream, and there are also different views on what dreams mean. However, some experts argue that dreams often have nothing to do with people's real feelings or thoughts. But they are just strange stories that have nothing to do with ordinary life.

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Besides, there are also some other ideas that dream can reflect one's own hidden thoughts and feelings - deepest desires, fears and concerns, especially recurring dreams. By interpreting dreams, researchers have realized life insight. Many people say that they come up with their best ideas while dreaming, so dreams can be creative.

People often report they have similar dreams of being chased, falling off a cliff, or being naked in public. Often these types of dreams are likely caused by underlying stress or anxiety. While dreams can be similar, experts say the meaning behind dreams is unique to each person.

As a result, many experts say not to rely on books or "dream dictionaries," which give a particular meaning to a particular dream image or symbol. The special reason behind your dream is unique to you.

Although scientists cannot say for sure what dreams mean and why people dream, many people still find a lot of meaning in their dreams.

Why do nightmares happen?

Nightmares, or bad dreams, are common in children and adults. Nightmares are often caused by:

  • Stress, conflict and fear.

  • Injury.

  • Emotional problems.

  • Drugs or drug use.

  • Sick.

If you are having a recurring nightmare, your subconscious may be trying to tell you something. However, if you can't understand why you have bad dreams and you keep dreaming about them, talk to a mental health professional. They can help you figure out what's causing your nightmares and provide tips to put you at ease.

Remember that no matter how scary the nightmare is, it's not real and most likely won't happen in your real life.

What are Lucid dreams?

Have you ever had a dream where you know you're dreaming in your dream? This is called a lucid dream. Research has shown that lucid dreaming is always accompanied by the activation of parts of the brain that are normally inhibited during sleep. Lucid dreaming represents the brain state between REM sleep and wakefulness.

Some people have lucid dreams that can also affect the direction of their dreams, changing the story to tell. While this can be a good tactic to implement, especially during a nightmare, many dream experts say that it is better to let dreams happen naturally.

Can dreams predict the future?

There are many examples of situations in dreams that have come true or are seen in a future event. When you have a dream that then plays out in real life, experts say it's most likely due to:

  • Coincident.

  • Memory error.

  • An unconscious bound by known information.

However, sometimes dreams can motivate you to act in a certain way, thus changing the future.

Why are dreams always difficult to remember?

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Until now, researchers still don't know for sure why dreams are so easily forgotten. Perhaps the human brain is designed to forget dreams because if people remembered all their dreams, they might not be able to distinguish between dreams and reality.

In addition, dreams are more difficult to remember because during REM sleep our bodies can turn off the systems responsible for creating memories in the brain. So humans can only remember dreams that happen just before we wake up, when some brain activity has been turned back on.

Some people say that their mind doesn't really forget dreams, they just don't know how to figure them out. Dreams can be stored in human memory, and waiting to be recalled. This concept could explain why someone might suddenly recall a dream at the end of the day – something may have happened to trigger the memory.

Tips for remembering dreams

If you're a good sleeper and don't wake up suddenly until morning, you're less likely to remember your dreams than someone who wakes up several times during the night. But here are some tips that may affect your ability to remember dreams including:

Wake up without alarm. You are more likely to remember dreams if you wake up spontaneously than when you wake up with an alarm. Once the alarm goes off, your brain focuses on the annoying sound and turns it off, not your dream.

Remind yourself to remember. If you want to remember your dream and make a (conscious) decision to do it, you are more likely to remember your dream in the morning. So, before you go to bed, remind yourself that you want to remember your dream.

Dream playback. If you think about your dream right after you wake up, it may be easier to remember it later.

How to fulfill the dream?

If you are intrigued by dreams or want to sort the meaning behind them, consider keeping a dream diary or journal. Here are some tips:

Write it down. Keep a notebook or journal and pen by your bed, then jot down your first dream each morning, while the memory is still clear. Then, write down anything you recall from the dream and how it felt, even if you can only remember random bits of information.

Not reviewed by magazines. Dreams are sometimes odd and can go against social norms. So try not to judge yourself based on your dreams.

Give each dream a title. This can help if you want to return to a dream. Sometimes the title you create can provide insight into why you have a dream or the meaning behind it.

In fact, dreams have fascinated humanity from the very beginning and will likely continue to bewilder people. Although science has allowed people to learn a lot about the brain, they may never know for sure the meaning behind dreams.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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