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8 new types of content for 2022

Like content, content types can stale — or at least become less palatable to consume.

Now that you've passed the 2021 weather, it's time to look at 2022 with fresh eyes. These eight formats can help engage and engage with your audience, who prefer visuals over text-driven content.

2022 is the time to pay attention to your #content types if you want to keep or engage an audience, @irinaweber says 048 via @CMIContent. Click to Tweet

1. Guest

Guestographic is an infographic for guests. It has both images and text and is published on or linked to from various websites. Customers are often created in collaboration with other brands for a specific purpose.

It could be their content and your design or your content and their design. Eg This is published by Venngage covers its infographic design with data provided by Social Media Sentiment Mentions:

Click to enlarge

It's an effective way to build brand awareness (or content) and establish steady connections. For publishing site, it can also generate backlinks quality to help its SEO strategy.

You can also use the guest concept by publishing an infographic on your website and creating guest content that includes a link to it for another website.

Among the tools available to create a unique client design are VistaCreate , with over 30 customizable templates from Crello.

2. Manuals

From the name, you can guess that the guide is a long forgotten child of infographics. They are becoming a popular way of explaining complex data Easily-formatted to digest.

A manual that tells people how to do something. For example, here's how tutorial on how to turn simple white cups into funny mustache cups:

Documentation works well for step-by-step instructions or other how-to guides, but are limited only by your creativity. The best thing about them is the higher content sharing potential.

3. Storyboard

Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese once said, “Storyboards are not the only means of communication for what I imagine, they are where I start.” Today, a storyboard can be a content product, not just a tool used in production.

Storyboards can be your #content product, not just a tool used in production, @irinaweber says 048 via @CMIContent. Click to Tweet A storyboard is a visually useful sequence of information such as text, images, designs, and illustrations. It allows viewers to visualize the whole story frame by frame.

Creating storyboards is a great way to organize any type of information that requires a systematic approach, such as this example For ideas that make storyboards successful:

Storyboards can be used to tell a standalone story or to complement a text-based version.

4. Posts on the carousel

Social media carousel posts are becoming a more engaging type of content for marketers. On Instagram, they earn a higher average engagement rate ( 1. 92% ) compared to single photo (1.74%) and video (1.45% ). The creators used all 10 of the available carousel slides that had an average engagement rate so high. 2% .

Popular on Instagram and LinkedIn, this content format is also available on Facebook. Here are some specifics on how to do this:

  • LinkedIn : Create carousel images in PDF format and upload files to the platform.

  • Instagram : Select and upload different images and/or videos. Make sure to upload them in the correct order. To increase engagement, ask people to “swipe left” on the carousel with the message.

  • Facebook: The carousel (or slideshow) is available on a page's cover photo or as an individual post. Click the photo/video option and upload your images or videos in sequential order.

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5. Whiteboard video

Artists, graphic designers or those who are good at drawing with markers on a whiteboard to successfully explain a point, process or product in a visually appealing way. As they create, video cameras will track their every movement.

Some companies use this type of content for corporate video training because they can be more impactful than reading a handbook or watching someone read from a script. But you don't have to limit it to training videos. Whiteboard content can work for almost anything that can be illustrated. Most importantly, they create an element of curiosity as viewers wait to see how the rest of the story comes together (even if they already know the story.)

You don't need to have special skills to create a whiteboard video, just a little practice, some imagination and inspiration to explore the subject well. Lots of great tools, such as VideoScribe and Manga Animate can help you create this type of video content.

Use animation software tools like @VideoScribeApp or Mango Animate to help you create #whiteboard videos, @irinaweber says 048 via @CMIContent. Click to Tweet

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6. Screen Recording Video

Using your computer monitor and microphone, you can display and narrate content. Screencasts work well to show how to do something or solve a problem step by step. Screencasts can also save time by answering the most important questions over and over again.

Screen recording video can be helpful to show how to solve the problem step by step, @irinaweber says 048 via @CMIContent. Click to Tweet You can create recorded lesson videos, tutorials, training videos, and presentations using this content format. Screencasts can add a personal touch in ways that other methods cannot. Viewers can hear your voice and see you deliver the story.


9 Types of Videos Every Business Must Have To Succeed

There are so many different types of videos you can create for your organization, it's impossible to know where to start. Don't worry, We've got you covered! !

7. Storytelling powered by AR

To avoid boring your audience, you need to give them a reason to crave or engage with your content. Augmented reality experiences can bring them into the story, provide gameplay, or provide an extra story.

Social media networks are good resources to access this AR technology. This AR Snapchat Experience from Taco Bell allowing spectators to use filters to transform their faces into a giant taco shell. It resulted in more than 224 million views.

RELATED CONTENT TO BE HAND-VIEWED: AR/VR Storytelling for Marketing: 4 Things to Know

#8. Ephemeral Post

Ephemeral content, also known as limited-time content, is a great way to keep your brand fresh for your target audience. The short lifespan of visual content (up to 24 hours) touches the FOMO of your followers (fear of missing out) something interesting.

Stories on Instagram and Facebook are the most common examples because they disappear a day after being posted. This type of content is especially useful for engaging with followers behind the scenes, reading the room, seeing what people are saying, etc. In this example, you can see the Story Share the Event:


With the content market crowded, it makes a lot of sense to refresh your perspective and consider new ones Content Type. You can more closely match what content formats your audience likes to use today or what types of content will surprise and delight them. But to make a successful choice, you must do your research thoroughly and based on your audience, goals, and brand identity.

All tools mentioned in this post are identified by the author. If you have a tool to share, add it in the comments.

Fuel your creativity in 2021 to boost your content marketing in 2022. Get inspired with video on demand presentation from World Marketing Content, available through December 31, 2021.

Cover photo by Joseph Kalinowski / Content Marketing Institute

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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