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Why Facebook's Dislike Button is Good for Brands

Yesterday, technology and media offices around the country lost about 20 percent of their total productivity due to a surprising a...

How Guardian Life uses content to reach Millennials

Contently Case Stories is a series that highlights some of Contently's most successful clients and tells the stories of how w...

B2C Content Marketers, Get Ready for More Responsibility in 2021 [Nghiên cứu mới]

Warning for spoofers through 2021: Will not wake up to the “new normal” in February, March, or any time after. We were here. Th...

5 Video Ideas That Aren't Used to Generate Leads

In one 2020 survey 86% of respondents said they would like to see more videos from brands. That statistic alone makes a case f...

Brand Offers Injectable COVID-19 Vaccine

This week in content marketing, we're talking about powerful campaigns to promote COVID-19 vaccines, canceled Super Bowl ads, ...

You can't just rely on speaker recommendations for diverse events

2020 is a difficult year. And, sadly, the problems we experienced as a society did not magically disappear when the calendar was ...

How to use Instagram Stories to get more followers

Updated February 3, 2021 Time flies for content marketers who spend their days mapping out Instagram strategies, researching h...

Will Wikipedia consider your page noteworthy?

You want a Wikipedia page for your brand, your CEO, or even for yourself. You know how to tell a story, but aren't sure if th...

