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Bootstrap Framework is a CSS, HTML and JavaScript library developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton in Twitter published in 2011, this ...


Affiliate is a marketing program where you can get commissions from a parent company by selling them.  The parent company will provide yo...

A/B Testing

A / B testing (also called split testing ) is a process in which two versions (A and B) will be compared in a defined environment / situat...

How to activate Dark mode on Chrome for Android

After the computer now, those who love  Chrome  's dark background mode  can activate Dark mode on Chrome for Android with just a simp...

How to remove Face ID on iPhone applications

Face ID  is a face security technology similar to  Touch ID  (fingerprint sensor), which  Apple released for the first time on the iPhone X...

How to install and play Dream League Soccer on your computer

DLS is an acronym for Dream League Soccer - a form  of  extremely hot  football management game  on mobile devices.  But if the device is n...

